Favourite Quote

Oct 5th 2024, 11:49 PM PT

My favourite quote from any book. Bruce Lee. He was a philosophy master mind.

Made a little something

Oct 5th 2024, 11:42 PM PT

Made something at home, full edit, record to stop.


Oct 5th 2024, 10:13 PM PT


Fri Oct 4th, 22:46 PT

I lost my original post on mars when I was younger, so I created another one. This image that I obtained was from the European Space Agency. You can also find it by searching 'cydonia' on google image search when searching from Vancouver, Canada. This is my latest design of something on Mars that I'm looking for feedback on.

Music I love

Fri Oct 4th 2024, 20:36

I want to highlight amazing music.

This man really knows his stuff, and I see the audience and they never see him wait until his magic comes - website

Jeff Buckley - live at the sine

Prince - album Prince is the best, and he has the best looking album cover ever.

assorted artists - 1 giant leap - best album ever - released 2002

Technology updates

Fri Oct 4th 2024, 5pm

Things I don't like anymore that I used to love. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and starting to think I don't like the internet anymore.

Soundcloud is terrible for musicians, I uploaded an album under Kalvir Sandhu and then lost the account, you can still search for my music on Apple Music and Spotify under 'Kalvir Sandhu'. And I lost all my samples.

E-commerce stores, most seem to sell good products that fail over time. But I love some D2C brands such as Fable, Wilk Watch Works and Flourist. For great product and smooth delivery.

Let's talk about Apple. It started with a purple imac in the 90s, it was terrible. But then I started to love the fact that it always worked with a unix kernel base. But then somehow I wake up in 2024 and find a homepod that never can be restored, a bricked macbook air with an OS update, none of the developer tools work at all, Xcode, homebrew, vim was even broken compiled. So i've returned to linux that allows me to do all of what I used to do and more.


Fri Oct 4th 2024, 2pm

Last family trip with my kids to iceland.



Thurs Oct 3rd 2024, 10am

On a lovely hike post winter I stumbled across this ice formation in sand that was so unique I had to capture it with a number of photographs. This specific snippet is a section of it, but it seemed that the ice formed over days between sand particles.

When camping one time. I saw this lovely northern lights around mid summer in 2024. The park I stayed at, was very remote and wonderful to contemplate my research over the last 2 years.